I need you to send me the following information: 1.Drawing of building/property. 2.Year of built
@haskiya-wasim.aramark ( Replies: 1 . Qualifications:
Chartered Energy Engineer & Sr Development Engineer)
Dear, Can you forward any drawings general arrangement drawings? Have you a record of the date of construction?
@axiomconstructionservices. ( Replies: 1 )
Quote #3: 341 BER Cert for commercial properties is €150 €1 per sq metre VAT. Minimum price commercial ber cert €310 including VAT.
@shane.redmond.ireland. ( 🚀 Quotes accepted: 2. Replies: 47 . Reviews: 4.5/5 of 67 Google. 4.6/5 of 14 facebook . Qualifications:
Domestic and Non-Domestic BER assessor 15 years experience.
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