hi, you need 1 ber cert or 2? Is this all residential? or you need 2 certs , residential & commercial? 2 separate units? please clarify , tx
@pocc7777. ( 🔥 Quotes accepted: 10. Replies: 69 . Qualifications:
Registered SEAI BER Assessor. 1 hr assessment. Generally 24 hr report.)
Hi it’s a block building. There is a shop with a 3 bed apartment overhead then an empty commercial unit that used to be a garage and beside that is the 4 bed house that I live in. I don’t know if one Ber rating will cover the whole premises. The Eircom e is V 24PP70 if you want to look it up and you could see for yourself what is needed. Thank you.
@maryconcannon.live ( Replies: 1 )
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