Quote #2: 305 Our fee for a BER Assessment of this house is €290 (including VAT & the SEAI Registration Fee).
@nicholas.necber ( 🔥 Quotes accepted: 10. Replies: 238 . Reviews: 4.5/5 of 5 Google reviews. . Qualifications:
B.Sc.(Hons.) Bldg. Surv. Commercial & Domestic BER. Air tightness testing & Part L compliance.)
Quote #3: 263 I am happy to provide a fee quotation of 250 including SEAI publication fee and VAT carried out by a Louth Based Chartered Engineer.
@thomasdooley17. ( 📈 Quotes accepted: 6. Replies: 38 . Qualifications:
Chartered Engineer,BER Assessor, SEAI Better energy Technical Advisor)
BER Cert 3 bed semi detached house, approx 115m2. Getting the attic foam insulated at the end of August and would need to get the BER assessment done as part of SEAI grant requirement.
Location : 5 Woodfield, Glebe, Ballivor, County Meath
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